Sunday, August 30, 2020

He is Back

Well, after a month in "cold war state" oppa texted me again. He said "Eid Adha Mubarak"

I tried to respond nicely. Even I had mixed feelings in that moment. I was happy, but I was traumatic in the same time. I don't want to be a silly girl, who is always hurt by the same guy.

I have tried to make a boundary. I have forced myself, don't get to attach to him and then fall deeper in the same place. 

He knows, I have changed. 

In the beginning, the are awkward moments between us. He has tried to approach me again. Sending wrong message, his meal picture, an updated news link, etc. His efforts make me melt. I can't stand with it. Imagine, how stressful he is due to stage 4 lock-down in his city,  jobless and lonely (actually, I don't really know his situation, maybe I am being dramatic).

Rizkia, please be nice to your heart. You know, there are many nice guys out there, better than him. Please be brave, be cool and let him know how precious you are.